Justice, Compensation, Redemption

Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted: The Power of PC Section 4900 in California

Two men, Dupree Glass and Juan Rayford, served an agonizing 17 years in prison before being declared innocent of attempted murder charges. Under the guiding hands of renowned attorneys Annee Della Donna and Eric Dubin, the state of California now owes these two innocent souls approximately $900,000 each, a reparation for their undeserved time behind bars.

Glass and Rayford: A Journey to Justice
At the young ages of 17 and 18 respectively, Glass and Rayford faced convictions for attempted murder. These verdicts hinged predominantly on the accounts of two witnesses, both of whom later withdrew their testimonies. Steadfast in their claims of innocence, the turning point arrived when the actual perpetrator came forward, leading to their eventual release. Their legal victory was not only a testament to their innocence but also paved the way for others to seek redress under a groundbreaking California law. This legislation ensures compensation for acquitted defendants and offers them a chance to present evidence substantiating their claims of innocence.

Understanding PC Section 4900
The California Penal Code Section 4900 stands as a beacon of hope for those unjustly convicted. It mandates a compensation of $140 for each day a wrongly imprisoned individual spends in custody.

For eligibility:

  • The individual must have a felony conviction under California law that resulted in a prison sentence.
  • They must not be serving time for that particular offense anymore.
  • A filled Erroneous Conviction Claim Form, accompanied by supporting documents, should be submitted within a decade post-release, acquittal, charge dismissal, or a granted pardon, whichever comes later.
  • The claim should be bolstered by a factual statement proving the claimant’s innocence.

Typically, the burden is on the claimant to demonstrate their innocence and the harm they suffered due to their wrongful conviction. If their innocence is affirmed, a compensation recommendation should be forwarded within 30 days. Nevertheless, if the claimant confessed to the crime with the intent of shielding another individual from prosecution, compensation is denied.


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